ARNOLD ARRE Filipino Fantasy Artist

Pepe Smith in Space

Pepe Smith in Space (2010)

Manila in the Future – Scenario 1 (2010)

Philippine Spacelines

Manila in the Future – Scenario 2 (2010)

Vehicles of the Future

Vehicles of a Future Philippines (2010)

Pillar Ely Buendia

Pillar (Ely Buendia’s Short Story) Illustrations (2010)

Dolce & Gabbana (2005)

Jack London Illustrated (2004)

Quark Henares Quentin Tarantino caricature

Quark Henares with Quentin Tarantino (2007)

H. P. Lovecraft

Cthulhu (2002)

Nestor Redondo

Nestor Redondo Tribute Artwork (2002)

Butter Diner Mural Illustrations (2006)

Louisville Gamer RPG Illustrations (2004)


Lazarus (2001)

Students of the Unusual

Students of the Unusual (2004)


Vampire Universe Illustrations (2006)

Sky Web (2010)